Admission Procedure

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Bachelors of Arts (Tourism Studies) - IGNOU

The BATS Programme is designed for those students who are interested in pursuing a career in the hospitality, travel and tourism sectors at different levels...


B.Sc in Hospitality Administration - MAKAUT

The above degree awarded by MAKAUT, the subjects taught cover activities in the areas of rooms division operations and management, food production operations...


B.Sc International Hospitality & Tourism Administration- MAKAUT

Students will undertake tasks, functions, duties and activities and assess quality standards related to products and processes...


Advanced Programme in International Hospitality Administration- (IIHM)

Students will be introduced to important and contemporary hospitality concepts through all operational subjects as well as being taught the requirements...


B.Sc (Hons.) in International Hospitality Management from UWL, UK(London Campus)

The BSc (Hons) International Hospitality Management course has been developed with the support of employers in the hospitality sector to meet workforce development needs...


Advance Diploma in Hospitality Studies from YCMOU (State University)

Advance Diploma in Hospitality Studies from YCMOU (State University)

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